About Us

We are Prime Associates.

Prime Associates is a firm which believes that personal attention, trust, respect, and quality service are essential for helping families and privately held businesses succeed.
  • Best Quality Services
  • Professional Team Members

We’ve More Then
250+ Satisfied Clients

Find The Professional Consultants & Advisors. Call 973-901-3913

Our Services

We Provide Consulting Solutions

Individual, Business Tax Preparation & Planning

Personalized accounting and tax services for individuals & Businesses

Payroll Processing

Reliable payroll processing for seamless business operations.

Accounting Services

Prime Associates excels in precise accounting book keeping services.

Business Consulting

Expert business consulting for strategic growth and success.

Tax Representation

Expert business consulting for strategic growth and success.

Why Choose Us

Why You Should Choose Prime Associates

Choose Prime Associates for personalized attention, trust and quality service. Our expertise in accounting, taxation and client relationships ensures success in navigating the complex financial landscape.
Financial Consulting Solutions
Dedicated Team Members
Advance Financial Guidance

Your Professional Firm to Get Expert Service

Project Complete

Over 150 projects completed, ensuring excellence every time.

Satisfied Clients

Trusted by 200+ satisfied clients for exceptional service.

Global Clients

As a professional CPA, we have 20+ clients from different industries.

Sectors We Cover

Startup Stars

We understand the unique challenges and exciting opportunities facing startups. We'll help you navigate regulations.

Family Business Champions

Family businesses are the backbone of our economy. We provide trusted guidance on succession planning, tax strategies, and intergenerational wealth management.

Healthcare Heroes

We're passionate about supporting the healthcare sector. We offer specialized services to navigate complex regulations, optimize billing practices.

Retail Sectors

Boosting Your Bottom Line: We help retailers navigate inventory management, optimize pricing strategies, and implement cost-saving measures.

E-commerce Experts

Whether you're launching an online store or expanding your digital presence, we offer guidance on e-commerce platform selection.

Efficiency Experts

We help service-based businesses streamline operations, implement time-saving software, and refine scheduling practices to enhance productivity.


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Have Any Questions On Your Minds !

What services does Prime Associates offer?

Prime Associates provides personalized accounting, tax preparation and related services for families and privately held businesses, ensuring tailored financial solutions.

Which sectors does Prime Associates covers?
Can Prime Associates handle specific industry needs?
How can I get started with Prime Associates?